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Holiday Party with PPofN Family

Holiday Party with PPofN Family
07 Dec 2018 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte

Registered attendees (45)

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Date Name
21 Dec 2018
21 Dec 2018
07 Dec 2018
07 Dec 2018
07 Dec 2018 - plus 1 guest
07 Dec 2018
06 Dec 2018
06 Dec 2018 - plus 1 guest
05 Dec 2018 Stuhr, Becky - plus 1 guest
04 Dec 2018 - plus 1 guest
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Notification of cancellation must be made in writing to no later than 60 hours in advance of the event. Refunds come in the form of 50% credit toward a future conference, class or workshop.

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